Pull Up Assistant

2018. Prototype of an underarm brace I invented and built for a Marine wounded in combat in Iraq. It allows him to do intense “Cross-Fit” pull-ups despite his having a fused elbow.

Evan was severely injured in an IED explosion. In addition to losing the lower half of his right leg, he had to have his right arm fused at the elbow. Since returning from Iraq, he has become very involved in CrossFit training. For most of the activities, he uses his remarkable strength to overcome his challenges, but the “Butterfly Pull-Up” causes him significant discomfort. His homemade solution was to use resistance bands to substitute for the power of his disabled arm, but they cut into his underarm and damage his skin. Working closely with Evan, I designed a pull-up assistant to address these problems. Its strong but flexible outer shell helps spread the load of the resistance band, and its soft inner structure reduces the stress on his skin.

Materials: PVC pipe, HDPE Sheet, Silicone, Insulation foam, Paracord

Collaborators: Jakob Sperry

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